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Event Summary
Event 2017 NORTH CAROLINA OPEN  (201708273582)
Location GREENSBORO, NC  27409  
Event Date(s) 2017-08-25 thru 2017-08-27
Sponsoring Affiliate CAROLINAS CHESS INITIATIVE  (A6037942)
Organizer WALTER M HIGH  (13466177)
Chief  TD GRANT OEN  (12926610)
Chief Assist. TD KEITH HOOKER  (12474501)
Assist. TD WALTER M HIGH  (13466177)
Assist. TD MR. RUDOLPH D ABATE  (13840787)
Other TDs KOREY J KORMICK  (12755802)
Processed Received: 2017-08-27   Entered: 2017-08-27   Rated: 2017-08-27
Stats 4 Section(s),  224 Players
The ratings shown on this page are not official published ratings and may change from time to time. Using them for pairing purposes in tournaments should only be done if this has been advertised in all advance publicity and is announced to all players at the tournament.
HINT:   * Click on a Section Name to see the cross table for that Section,  or
  * Click on "Show All Sections" to see the cross tables for all sections at once.
Section 1 OPEN
Section 2 U2000
Section 3 U1700
Section 4 U1400

Section 1 - OPEN
Chf. Asst. TD MR. RUDOLPH D ABATE  (13840787)
Asst. TD KOREY J KORMICK  (12755802)
Section Date(s) 2017-08-25 thru 2017-08-27
Processed Received: 2017-08-27   Entered: 2017-08-27   Rated: 2017-08-27 Re-Rated: 2024-05-14
Stats 5 Rounds,  32 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R (FIDE Rated)  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/120;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ALEXANDER TONG |4.5 |W 28|W 2|W 5|W 6|D 3| NC | 13968900 / R: 2014 ->2117 |N:M |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | AARON S BALLEISEN |4.0 |W 11|L 1|W 27|W 10|W 12| NC | 13093767 / R: 2305 ->2302 |N:C |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | PATRICK MCCARTNEY |4.0 |W 24|D 27|W 10|W 15|D 1| NC | 12663277 / R: 2050 ->2081 |N:C |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ISHAAN MAITRA |4.0 |H |H |W 13|W 8|W 11| CA | 14058328 / R: 1966 ->2027 | | | |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | TIANQI WANG |3.5 |W 22|W 25|L 1|D 12|W 15| NC | 14099361 / R: 2367 ->2354 |N:C |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | JERRY T WHEELER |3.5 |D 21|W 29|W 23|L 1|W 18| TN | 10242126 / R: 2201 ->2200 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | NEO ZHU |3.5 |D 29|W 17|D 21|D 18|W 16| NC | 14546895 / R: 2079 ->2088 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | EMMANUEL CARTER |3.0 |W 16|L 12|W 25|L 4|W 17| NC | 13993951 / R: 2304 ->2284 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | MATTHEW WOFFORD |3.0 |B |L 10|L 18|W 29|W 25| CO | 12812582 / R: 2118 ->2100 |N:2 | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | MICHAEL UWAKWE |3.0 |W 14|W 9|L 3|L 2|W 23| CT | 15610873 / R: 2009 ->2037 |N:C |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | VISHNU VANAPALLI |3.0 |L 2|W 14|W 32|W 21|L 4| NC | 15013525 / R: 1991 ->2008 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | DREW JUSTICE |3.0 |B |W 8|D 15|D 5|L 2| GA | 14561797 / R: 1909 ->1959 |N:C | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | GILBERT L HOLMES |3.0 |L 27|B |L 4|W 30|W 29| SC | 12482116 / R: 1736 ->1788 |N:2 |B | |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | PALOMA GUTIERREZ |2.5 |L 10|L 11|W 28|W 31|D 19| CA | 14580274 / R: 2144 ->2119 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | BENJAMIN SNODGRASS |2.5 |W 26|W 32|D 12|L 3|L 5| NC | 14956405 / R: 2067 ->2066 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | ALEX CHEN |2.5 |L 8|W 28|D 19|W 27|L 7| NC | 14659230 / R: 2068 ->2062 |N:1 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | THOMAS C ADAMS IV |2.5 |D 31|L 7|W 24|W 26|L 8| NC | 12693291 / R: 2017 ->2026 |N:1 |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | PINYI HU |2.5 |D 23|D 26|W 9|D 7|L 6| MA | 15466651 / R: 1839 ->1899 |N:1 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | MATTHEW J. GREENE |2.5 |W 30|L 21|D 16|D 23|D 14| NC | 12924314 / R: 1835 ->1882 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | JOHN RUSSELL POTTER |2.0 |L 25|D 22|L 29|H |W 27| VA | 10199018 / R: 2210 ->2200 |N:2 |W |B |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | DAVID L HIGH |2.0 |D 6|W 19|D 7|L 11|U | NC | 12916894 / R: 2057 ->2055 |N:1 |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | NATHAN LYDA |2.0 |L 5|D 20|L 26|D 24|B | NC | 12582060 / R: 2001 ->1997 | |B |W |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | SULIA A MASON |2.0 |D 18|W 31|L 6|D 19|L 10| NC | 12795427 / R: 2014 ->1996 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | JAMES CHRISTOPHER M DILL |2.0 |L 3|D 30|L 17|D 22|W 31| NC | 14061034 / R: 1967 ->1961 |N:2 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | NEIL S DESHPANDE |2.0 |W 20|L 5|L 8|W 32|L 9| NC | 14522223 / R: 1950 ->1958 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | SHAWN PEALER |1.5 |L 15|D 18|W 22|L 17|U | NC | 12529025 / R: 2247 ->2217 |N:2 |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | JOHN SMITHWICK |1.5 |W 13|D 3|L 2|L 16|L 20| NC | 10207029 / R: 2007 ->2000 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | RICHARD DODD SMITH |1.5 |L 1|L 16|L 14|H |W 32| NC | 12204290 / R: 1900 ->1900 | |B |B |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | ADHARSH RAJAGOPAL |1.5 |D 7|L 6|W 20|L 9|L 13| NC | 14957043 / R: 1899 ->1900 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | KAI TABOR |1.0 |L 19|D 24|D 31|L 13|U | FL | 12943433 / R: 2102 ->2057 | |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | ROHAN IYER |1.0 |D 17|L 23|D 30|L 14|L 24| NC | 15626445 / R: 1870 ->1858 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | JILL ZABRINA RENNIE |1.0 |B |L 15|L 11|L 25|L 28| GA | 12471408 / R: 1400 ->1400 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.

Section 2 - U2000
Asst. TD MR. RUDOLPH D ABATE  (13840787)
Asst. TD WALTER M HIGH  (13466177)
Section Date(s) 2017-08-25 thru 2017-08-27
Processed Received: 2017-08-27   Entered: 2017-08-27   Rated: 2017-08-27 Re-Rated: 2024-05-14
Stats 5 Rounds,  68 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/120;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | NAVEEN PRABHU |4.5 |W 25|W 14|W 10|D 3|W 9| NC | 14949284 / R: 1910 ->1983 |N:C |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | PAUL KING |4.5 |W 64|D 35|W 37|W 22|W 8| NC | 12215590 / R: 1863 ->1920 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | MARK I SMITH-SOTO |4.0 |W 20|W 29|H |D 1|W 18| NC | 10488591 / R: 1971 ->1997 |N:1 |W |B | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | JUNJIE DENG |4.0 |W 38|L 31|W 55|W 47|W 20| NC | 16405218 / R: 1978P22->1983 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | DAVID THAXTON |4.0 |L 22|W 44|W 45|W 33|W 17| HI | 12709705 / R: 1924 ->1944 |N:1 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | PETER CROWLEY |4.0 |D 55|W 61|D 32|W 21|W 19| NC | 14350655 / R: 1873 ->1898 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | DAVIDE NASTASIO |4.0 |W 57|W 52|W 31|D 8|H | GA | 14577814 / R: 1849 ->1877 |N:2 |W |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | BENJAMIN YAN |3.5 |W 66|W 17|W 11|D 7|L 2| NC | 15047644 / R: 1956 ->1966 |N:1 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | MATT EMBLER |3.5 |W 53|D 42|W 47|W 36|L 1| NC | 13531398 / R: 1945 ->1949 |N:2 |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | ROCHAN BAKTHISARAN |3.5 |W 67|W 21|L 1|W 32|D 11| NC | 15771805 / R: 1859 ->1882 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | HENRY HOPSON |3.5 |W 50|W 28|L 8|W 27|D 10| GA | 15547376 / R: 1834 ->1874 |N:1 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | GRAYDON ANDREW EGGERS |3.5 |D 13|D 49|D 39|W 35|W 36| NC | 12724098 / R: 1861 ->1869 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | KEVIN Y XI |3.5 |D 12|W 54|W 42|D 18|D 14| NC | 15086166 / R: 1765 ->1831 |N:1 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | KEN J BAXTER |3.0 |W 60|L 1|W 35|D 30|D 13| NC | 10138680 / R: 1997 ->1985 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | MARK GRAGG |3.0 |L 31|D 38|W 61|W 37|D 22| NC | 20049756 / R: 1963 ->1945 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | ZIYANG QIU |3.0 |D 37|L 36|W 64|D 42|W 44| NC | 15172446 / R: 1922 ->1909 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | CURTIS GARY IANNI |3.0 |W 40|L 8|W 62|W 28|L 5| NC | 14717297 / R: 1889 ->1894 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | DARREION CHASE BAILEY |3.0 |W 24|W 48|D 22|D 13|L 3| VA | 14268583 / R: 1879 ->1884 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | JORDAN JOSEPH |3.0 |W 44|L 47|W 24|W 31|L 6| | 13560807 / R: 1880 ->1879 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | JAMES REINKER |3.0 |L 3|W 57|W 51|W 41|L 4| VA | 11262775 / R: 1819 ->1835 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | KATSIARYNA ZAKHVATKINA |3.0 |W 68|L 10|W 46|L 6|W 50| NY | 14954503 / R: 1834 ->1829 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | MICHAEL MCHALE |3.0 |W 5|W 41|D 18|L 2|D 15| NC | 12549021 / R: 1768 ->1825 |N:1 |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | JOSHUA D TAYLOR |3.0 |D 62|D 55|W 63|H |D 26| NC | 12486311 / R: 1826 ->1810 |N:3 |W |B |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | SULIA A MASON III |3.0 |L 18|W 59|L 19|W 46|X | NJ | 12838770 / R: 1753 ->1767 |N:2 |B |B |W |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | DANIEL MAXWELL SMITH |3.0 |L 1|L 60|B |W 45|W 42| SC | 14198323 / R: 1704 ->1727 |N:2 |W |B | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | ADVAITH KARTHIK |3.0 |D 33|L 37|W 43|W 54|D 23| NC | 15013917 / R: 1541 ->1654 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | MICHAEL D KLIBER |2.5 |W 65|D 34|H |L 11|D 31| NC | 12484593 / R: 1957 ->1938 |N:2 |W |B | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | MR. JAMES A WATSON |2.5 |W 45|L 11|W 60|L 17|D 32| NC | 10208246 / R: 1958 ->1936 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | ANNASTASIA WYZYWANY |2.5 |W 46|L 3|D 50|D 39|D 40| LA | 13984743 / R: 1891 ->1868 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | VARUN GADI |2.5 |D 56|D 39|W 49|D 14|U | GA | 15530135 / R: 1850 ->1852 |N:2 |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | LUKE HARRIS |2.5 |W 15|W 4|L 7|L 19|D 27| NC | 14554654 / R: 1799 ->1824 |N:2 |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | SOLOMON DAVID POINTER JR. |2.5 |H |W 56|D 6|L 10|D 28| NC | 12816927 / R: 1800 ->1808 |N:2 | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | CLAUDE W CORBETT III |2.5 |D 26|D 62|W 52|L 5|H | SC | 10214432 / R: 1827 ->1806 |N:3 |W |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | SUDARSHAN SRINIAIYER |2.5 |W 51|D 27|L 36|D 50|D 39| VA | 14943697 / R: 1819 ->1802 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | SHANTAM THADDEUS BHATT |2.5 |W 43|D 2|L 14|L 12|W 56| NC | 13737091 / R: 1751 ->1771 |N:2 |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | BRIAN STIDHAM |2.5 |D 54|W 16|W 34|L 9|L 12| TN | 12555740 / R: 1746 ->1768 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | SCOTT MCINNIS |2.5 |D 16|W 26|L 2|L 15|W 51| NC | 20044724 / R: 1759 ->1768 |N:2 |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | WILLIAM THOMAS HALES |2.5 |L 4|D 15|H |W 63|H | NC | 12408497 / R: 1742 ->1747 | |B |W | |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | MATIAS SHUNDI |2.5 |H |D 30|D 12|D 29|D 34| NJ | 14999768 / R: 1679 ->1711 |N:2 | |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | ALI SHIRZAD |2.5 |L 17|L 45|W 58|W 60|D 29| NC | 12792545 / R: 1641 ->1677 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | NICHOLAS SCHUCH |2.0 |W 58|L 22|W 48|L 20|F | NC | 12931506 / R: 1891 ->1872 |N:3 |B |W |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | CHRISTOPHER ALAN CHAVES |2.0 |W 63|D 9|L 13|D 16|L 25| NC | 13791477 / R: 1857 ->1831 |N:3 |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | FHEOPATRICK PATTERSON |2.0 |L 35|D 64|L 26|D 61|W 62| TN | 12445727 / R: 1856 ->1813 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | CARSON PHILIP COOK |2.0 |L 19|L 5|W 59|W 62|L 16| NC | 14771570 / R: 1780 ->1779 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | XIAODONG JIN |2.0 |L 28|W 40|L 5|L 25|W 59| NC | 14799261 / R: 1785 ->1771 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | ARYA KUMAR |2.0 |L 29|W 65|L 21|L 24|W 60| NC | 15768672 / R: 1737 ->1736 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 | KYLE SUTTON |2.0 |B |W 19|L 9|L 4|U | VA | 15322680 / R: 1719 ->1730 | | |B |W |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | DWAYNE TUTT |2.0 |W 59|L 18|L 41|H |D 49| NC | 12419755 / R: 1720 ->1721 |N:3 |W |W |B | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | JOSEPH QUINLAN |2.0 |H |D 12|L 30|D 52|D 48| NC | 12533016 / R: 1710 ->1695 |N:4 | |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | DHRUV RAJAGANESH |2.0 |L 11|W 58|D 29|D 34|L 21| GA | 14992723 / R: 1588 ->1618 |N:3 |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 | RAHUL RAMESH |2.0 |L 34|W 53|L 20|W 57|L 37| NC | 15760517 / R: 1561 ->1590 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 | VENKATARAJA SHANMUGAVADIVEL |2.0 |B |L 7|L 33|D 49|D 54| NC | 14714392 / R: 1350 ->1375 | | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 | ADITYA SHIVAPOOJA |1.5 |L 9|L 51|L 57|D 58|W 64| NC | 15049436 / R: 1803 ->1758 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 | ATMIKA GORTI |1.5 |D 36|L 13|D 56|L 26|D 52| VA | 15021766 / R: 1791 ->1741 |N:4 |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | INGRID GUO |1.5 |D 6|D 23|L 4|D 56|U | GA | 14772086 / R: 1720 ->1724 |N:3 |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 | LARRY O WILLIAMS |1.5 |D 30|L 32|D 54|D 55|L 35| NC | 12068090 / R: 1700 ->1700 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 | EDWARD BEHREND-MARTINEZ |1.5 |L 7|L 20|W 53|L 51|H | NC | 12464822 / R: 1717 ->1693 | |B |B |W |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 | ALLEN MERLIN STERN |1.5 |L 41|L 50|L 40|D 53|W 63| PA | 14963397 / R: 1718 ->1670 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 | GARRET ALLEN |1.0 |L 48|L 24|L 44|W 64|L 45| NC | 12911649 / R: 1895 ->1828 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 | JOHN RISK |1.0 |L 14|W 25|L 28|L 40|L 46| NC | 12202060 / R: 1819 ->1774 | |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | CHRIS HUDSON |1.0 |H |L 6|L 15|D 43|U | VA | 12517936 / R: 1723 ->1710 | | |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 | PRANIT MISHRA |1.0 |D 23|D 33|L 17|L 44|L 43| GA | 14993156 / R: 1683 ->1664 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 | ROBERT LIU |1.0 |L 42|B |L 23|L 38|L 58| NC | 14712510 / R: 1356 ->1341 | |W | |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | ANAND PETER P BHATT |0.5 |L 2|D 43|L 16|L 59|L 53| NC | 13539992 / R: 1728 ->1690 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 | DR. STEPHEN MAYNARD |0.0 |L 27|L 46|U |U |U | NC | 13070681 / R: 1808 ->1778 | |B |W | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 | XIAODONG JIN |0.0 |L 8|U |U |U |U | NC | 14799261 / R: 1785 ->1771 |N:3 |W | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 | ALLEN MERLIN STERN |0.0 |L 10|U |U |U |U | PA | 14963397 / R: 1718 ->1670 |N:4 |B | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 | VENKATARAJA SHANMUGAVADIVEL |0.0 |L 21|U |U |U |U | NC | 14714392 / R: 1350 ->1375 | |W | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.

Section 3 - U1700
Chf. Asst. TD WALTER M HIGH  (13466177)
Asst. TD KEITH HOOKER  (12474501)
Asst. TD CAHYONO NUGROHO  (12780191)
Section Date(s) 2017-08-25 thru 2017-08-27
Processed Received: 2017-08-27   Entered: 2017-08-27   Rated: 2017-08-27 Re-Rated: 2024-05-14
Stats 5 Rounds,  64 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/120;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | DANE LAMBERT SIMON |5.0 |W 9|W 39|W 28|W 16|W 6| NC | 13003663 / R: 1676 ->1785 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | JUSTIN B LOCKETT |4.5 |D 27|W 34|W 51|W 32|W 16| NC | 14994893 / R: 1614 ->1681 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | LEONARD HOLLOWAY |4.0 |D 47|W 52|D 41|W 39|W 21| VA | 12405132 / R: 1641 ->1662 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | SAMUEL INDERMAUR |4.0 |W 57|D 48|W 11|W 7|H | NC | 14726917 / R: 1593 ->1657 |N:3 |W |B |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | IAN MACNAIR |4.0 |W 38|L 10|W 31|W 40|W 22| NC | 15012041 / R: 1477 ->1601 |N:2 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | MR. EVAN WU ZHANG |3.5 |H |W 49|W 42|W 13|L 1| NC | 14955355 / R: 1672 ->1695 |N:3 | |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | PATRICK BOUNDS |3.5 |W 30|D 21|W 20|L 4|W 28| NC | 14337661 / R: 1680 ->1692 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | BRIAN MOORE |3.5 |D 51|W 60|D 22|W 35|D 15| NC | 12728357 / R: 1682 ->1676 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | MARK A CHAVES |3.5 |L 1|W 62|W 19|W 44|D 10| NC | 12958608 / R: 1621 ->1660 |N:2 |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | CHARLES ROBERSON JR. |3.5 |W 45|W 5|D 32|H |D 9| NC | 12481872 / R: 1621 ->1646 |N:3 |B |W |B | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | DANNY CROPPER |3.5 |W 24|D 41|L 4|W 43|W 23| NC | 15739826 / R: 1628 ->1645 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | HARSHA V SRIJAY |3.5 |H |W 33|L 13|W 52|W 32| SC | 14279226 / R: 1627 ->1642 |N:3 | |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | ELI DAVIS MOORE |3.5 |D 59|W 18|W 12|L 6|W 29| SC | 15502881 / R: 1516 ->1610 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | DANIEL SHEN |3.5 |W 64|L 32|W 25|D 28|W 35| NC | 15109898 / R: 1594 ->1604 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | AMIT MYDUKUR |3.5 |L 35|W 57|W 27|W 26|D 8| GA | 15547094 / R: 1515 ->1561 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | ELIAS STEDMAN |3.0 |W 63|W 25|W 23|L 1|L 2| NC | 14405834 / R: 1663 ->1666 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | ANDREW KRAWCZYK |3.0 |L 25|W 46|D 48|W 30|D 20| NC | 12847393 / R: 1654 ->1640 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | BRUCE A. GOODWIN |3.0 |H |L 13|W 61|W 42|H | NC | 12470576 / R: 1632 ->1633 | | |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | AIDAN MORAN-BATES |3.0 |L 32|W 64|L 9|W 46|W 39| NC | 14857746 / R: 1601 ->1597 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | JOHN KEVIN BARBOUR |3.0 |D 55|W 47|L 7|W 51|D 17| VA | 15215293 / R: 1567 ->1578 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | PATRICK KENGSOONTRA |3.0 |W 56|D 7|H |W 48|L 3| NC | 15777277 / R: 1546 ->1562 |N:3 |B |W | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | MR. ROBERT S POLING |3.0 |D 61|W 55|D 8|W 36|L 5| TN | 12443221 / R: 1544 ->1548 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | MR. SHAWN E SPENCER |3.0 |W 50|W 29|L 16|W 41|L 11| NC | 12793079 / R: 1486 ->1542 |N:3 |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | JOSHUA GAMBRELL |3.0 |L 11|W 56|L 44|W 55|W 48| WV | 15333632 / R: 1544 ->1542 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | HANK VERGI |3.0 |W 17|L 16|L 14|W 58|W 37| VT | 12756117 / R: 1469 ->1526 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | LUKE F TRIPLETT |3.0 |L 37|W 50|W 38|L 15|W 40| NC | 13880715 / R: 1461 ->1524 |N:3 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | MICHAEL TSCHUPP |3.0 |D 2|D 31|L 15|W 50|W 41| NC | 15617305 / R: 1449 ->1515 |N:3 |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | WAYNE H SPON |2.5 |W 62|W 37|L 1|D 14|L 7| NC | 12487696 / R: 1554 ->1584 |N:3 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | MICHAEL D TEDDER |2.5 |W 46|L 23|D 30|W 33|L 13| NC | 12529832 / R: 1593 ->1580 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | DOUGLAS I TAUBLIB |2.5 |L 7|W 58|D 29|L 17|W 53| NC | 12791864 / R: 1590 ->1576 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | ASHA KUMAR |2.5 |D 34|D 27|L 5|D 45|W 49| NC | 15773027 / R: 1564 ->1554 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | ARAV MICAH GOLDSTEIN |2.5 |W 19|W 14|D 10|L 2|L 12| NC | 15497770 / R: 1456 ->1511 |N:3 |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | HAROLD ZELTNER |2.5 |H |L 12|W 60|L 29|W 51| NC | 15271058 / R: 1459 ->1479 |N:4 | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | FRANCISCO GAMEZ |2.5 |D 31|L 2|W 49|L 37|W 52| NC | 16138723 / R: 1397 ->1459 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | DAVID MCCLINTOCK FLEMING |2.5 |W 15|W 40|H |L 8|L 14| NC | 14533663 / R: 1371 ->1434 |N:4 |B |W | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | ANTARA DURBHA |2.5 |L 39|B |W 59|L 22|D 38| NC | 15732865 / R: 1307 ->1341 |N:4 |B | |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | MR. WILLIAM CURRY ODOM |2.0 |W 26|L 28|L 39|W 34|L 25| NC | 15522444 / R: 1784 ->1723 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | ROLAND OLIVER |2.0 |L 5|W 45|L 26|D 53|D 36| NC | 12456040 / R: 1601 ->1558 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | RJ RAYNOE |2.0 |W 36|L 1|W 37|L 3|L 19| NC | 14755647 / R: 1546 ->1546 |N:4 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | JOHN HANNA |2.0 |W 54|L 35|W 53|L 5|L 26| NC | 12877028 / R: 1575 ->1536 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | ANDREW ZENG |2.0 |W 58|D 11|D 3|L 23|L 27| NC | 14863996 / R: 1559 ->1536 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | SRIKANTH KONERU |2.0 |H |W 59|L 6|L 18|D 47| NC | 16000075 / R: 1524 ->1518 |N:4 | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | LITAO TU |2.0 |L 48|D 54|W 47|L 11|D 45| NC | 14408594 / R: 1549 ->1515 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | CARL MCKERN |2.0 |H |D 53|W 24|L 9|U | NC | 12521209 / R: 1505 ->1511 | | |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | J ROBERT MAHAN |2.0 |L 10|L 38|W 57|D 31|D 43| VA | 10199204 / R: 1481 ->1477 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | ADRIAN MICHAEL STEFFEN |2.0 |L 29|L 17|W 56|L 19|W 58| NC | 14756395 / R: 1481 ->1464 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 | MATTHEW E ELLIOTT |2.0 |D 3|L 20|L 43|W 59|D 42| FL | 12501121 / R: 1450 ->1462 |N:4 |B |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | RAHUL PALANI |2.0 |W 43|D 4|D 17|L 21|L 24| VA | 14715525 / R: 1368 ->1404 |N:4 |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | RAYMOND R HIGHT JR. |1.5 |H |L 6|L 34|W 61|L 31| NC | 10207177 / R: 1579 ->1531 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | ANDREW M WILSON |1.5 |L 23|L 26|W 64|L 27|D 55| NC | 13080185 / R: 1592 ->1531 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 | MICHAEL MATSON |1.5 |D 8|W 61|L 2|L 20|L 33| SC | 13906265 / R: 1542 ->1511 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 | STANLEY FONTAINE |1.5 |H |L 3|W 54|L 12|L 34| NC | 11204902 / R: 1509 ->1500 | | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 | YOGYA KONERU |1.5 |H |D 44|L 40|D 38|L 30| NC | 15490425 / R: 1445 ->1426 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 | MR. HASSAN HASHEMLOO |1.5 |L 40|D 43|L 52|H |D 56| NC | 12871298 / R: 1447 ->1412 | |B |B |W | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | DEBS PEDIGO |1.5 |D 20|L 22|H |L 24|D 50| SC | 12568079 / R: 1398 ->1389 | |W |W | |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 | GRISHAM NARASIMH PAIMAGAM |1.5 |L 21|L 24|L 46|W 57|D 54| NC | 15599946 / R: 1361 ->1355 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 | AARUSH CHUGH |1.0 |L 4|L 15|L 45|L 56|W 61| NC | 14970943 / R: 1512 ->1451 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 | SRIRAAM KUMAR |1.0 |L 41|L 30|B |L 25|L 46| NC | 15233860 / R: 1284 ->1248 | |W |B | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 | MR. JOHN WAYNE BROOKS |0.5 |D 13|L 42|L 36|L 47|U | NC | 10206359 / R: 1661 ->1600 | |W |B |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 | JULIAN BILLINGS |0.5 |H |L 8|L 33|U |U | NC | 14250030 / R: 1526 ->1500 | | |B |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | NISHANTH GADDAM |0.5 |D 22|L 51|L 18|L 49|L 57| NC | 15805340 / R: 1430 ->1379 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 | FELTON DAVENPORT |0.0 |L 28|L 9|U |U |U | NC | 11469647 / R: 1664 ->1622 | |B |W | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 | JULIAN BILLINGS |0.0 |L 16|U |U |U |U | NC | 14250030 / R: 1526 ->1500 | |B | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | RON C SCHUENEMAN |0.0 |L 14|L 19|L 50|U |U | NC | 10256771 / R: 1420 ->1400 | |B |W |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.

Section 4 - U1400
Asst. TD KOREY J KORMICK  (12755802)
Asst. TD MR. RUDOLPH D ABATE  (13840787)
Section Date(s) 2017-08-25 thru 2017-08-27
Processed Received: 2017-08-27   Entered: 2017-08-27   Rated: 2017-08-27 Re-Rated: 2024-05-14
Stats 5 Rounds,  67 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/120;d5
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 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | KELLEN O BATSON |5.0 |W 46|W 48|W 22|W 7|W 4| NC | 12813943 / R: 1255 ->1413 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | SAMUEL CHILDERS |5.0 |W 29|W 17|W 5|W 28|W 8| NC | 15780877 / R: 1045P13->1396P18 |N:3 |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | CHARLES ALBERT HEUSE ROEDERER IV |4.5 |W 54|W 34|H |W 30|W 15| NC | 15366481 / R: 1216 ->1353 |N:4 |B |W | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | JOSH LUKE L BHATT |4.0 |W 55|W 33|W 23|W 15|L 1| NC | 14458623 / R: 1386 ->1405 |N:4 |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | DONALD JOHNSON |4.0 |W 37|W 12|L 2|W 32|W 20| NC | 16126281 / R: 1420 ->1400 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | MITCHELL BENNETT |4.0 |L 23|W 59|W 49|W 34|W 19| NC | 12932260 / R: 1335 ->1342 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | THOMAS P BURWELL |3.5 |W 25|W 31|W 32|L 1|D 10| NC | 12598300 / R: 1431 ->1423 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | SHAMSUL AREFIN SHAIKH |3.5 |W 53|D 24|W 41|W 21|L 2| NC | 12756491 / R: 1334 ->1339 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | NICODEMUS NJUGUNA |3.5 |W 38|L 32|D 44|W 52|W 31| NC | 13771521 / R: 1326 ->1312 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | SID EVANS |3.5 |H |W 57|D 24|W 37|D 7| NC | 12357020 / R: 1285 ->1296 | | |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | KRISH CHINTA |3.5 |D 36|L 52|W 57|W 44|W 28| GA | 15686974 / R: 1207 ->1214 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | HENRY CHEN |3.5 |W 67|L 5|H |W 49|W 30| NC | 15691472 / R: 1145 ->1184 | |W |B | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | ANGELA CHEN |3.5 |L 49|D 43|W 59|W 48|W 29| NC | 14924833 / R: 1165 ->1177 | |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | ABHIRAM YERUVA |3.5 |W 16|L 22|D 54|W 35|W 36| NC | 15572165 / R: 1073 ->1176 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | PAIGE VICTORIA COOK |3.0 |W 65|W 18|W 19|L 4|L 3| NC | 14808930 / R: 1327 ->1332 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | MATTHEW ODOM |3.0 |L 14|W 26|W 33|L 19|W 53| NC | 12749220 / R: 1299P14->1279P19 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | VICTOR A SIMPSON |3.0 |W 45|L 2|W 46|D 23|D 18| NC | 12812036 / R: 1277 ->1276 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | PRANEEL REDDY THOOM |3.0 |W 42|L 15|D 35|W 54|D 17| NC | 15908656 / R: 1276 ->1266 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | SIVA SAGAR DUGGIRALA |3.0 |W 47|W 20|L 15|W 16|L 6| NC | 16221454 / R: 1219P15->1249P20 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | BENJAMIN JEFFREY WILLIAMS |3.0 |W 64|L 19|W 39|W 24|L 5| NC | 15707458 / R: 1072P4 ->1220P9 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | KAI SUNG FORBACH |3.0 |W 66|W 35|H |L 8|D 23| NC | 15317406 / R: 1199 ->1212 | |B |W | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | WINSTON M SANFORD |3.0 |W 63|W 14|L 1|W 40|U | NC | 14561996 / R: 995 ->1196 |N:4 |W |B |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | WILLIAM KIRK BOBBITT |3.0 |W 6|W 40|L 4|D 17|D 21| NC | 12811042 / R: 1053 ->1192 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | MOHNISH BEHERA |3.0 |W 56|D 8|D 10|L 20|W 45| NC | 14445846 / R: 1158 ->1185 | |B |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | SANCHIT S SHAH |3.0 |L 7|L 50|W 67|W 43|W 40| NC | 15793235 / R: 1139 ->1142 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | THOMAS SHUNDI |3.0 |L 28|L 16|W 60|W 62|W 42| NC | 14999753 / R: 1136 ->1141 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | BORJE CARPEN |3.0 |H |L 36|D 43|W 50|W 46| NC | 13533148 / R: 1135 ->1134 | | |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | KEVIN C YANG |2.5 |W 26|D 41|W 52|L 2|L 11| NC | 15911246 / R: 1413 ->1338 | |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | MARY ELIZABETH TRACY |2.5 |L 2|W 66|H |W 38|L 13| NC | 15621825 / R: 1262 ->1239 | |W |B | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | DANNY XIA |2.5 |W 43|D 49|W 36|L 3|L 12| NC | 14980343 / R: 1235 ->1210 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | ROBERT S TAKAMI |2.5 |W 50|L 7|W 45|H |L 9| NC | 14312991 / R: 1198 ->1196 | |W |B |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | MICHAEL MEEKINS |2.5 |W 62|W 9|L 7|L 5|H | SC | 12903204 / R: 1145 ->1163 | |B |W |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | GASPAR GAMEZ GAMEZ |2.5 |W 51|L 4|L 16|W 47|D 37| NC | 16138702 / R: 1163 ->1155 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | VANESSA SUN |2.5 |W 61|L 3|W 42|L 6|H | NY | 14443608 / R: 1146 ->1148 | |W |B |W |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | RITVIKA PALANI |2.5 |W 39|L 21|D 18|L 14|W 52| VA | 15062950 / R: 1042 ->1097 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | AMRITA ACHARYA |2.5 |D 11|W 27|L 30|W 41|L 14| NC | 16094298 / R: 1058 ->1094 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | RYAN MILLER |2.5 |L 5|W 61|W 50|L 10|D 33| NC | 15969493 / R: 1040 ->1058 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | AKHIL SOMPURAM |2.5 |L 9|W 51|D 48|L 29|W 54| NC | 15626184 / R: 1024 ->1046 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | JUSTIN BAILEY |2.0 |L 35|W 47|L 20|L 45|W 60| NC | 15769497 / R: 1273 ->1199 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | ALEXANDER ZHAO |2.0 |W 44|L 23|W 55|L 22|L 25| NC | 15350588 / R: 1218 ->1165 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | VIKAS SARVASYA |2.0 |W 60|D 28|L 8|L 36|D 49| NC | 15488033 / R: 1137 ->1110 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | VIVIAN Y ZHANG |2.0 |L 18|W 53|L 34|W 55|L 26| NC | 15835486 / R: 1123 ->1098 | |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | EMILYN DOAN |2.0 |L 30|D 13|D 27|L 25|W 59| NC | 15928816 / R: 1107 ->1089 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | KABIR SINGH GREWAL |2.0 |L 40|W 60|D 9|L 11|D 48| NC | 15778731 / R: 1082 ->1068 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | GORDON MILLER |2.0 |L 17|W 58|L 31|W 39|L 24| SC | 12936954 / R: 1019 ->1044 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | TANISHKA PEDDY |2.0 |L 1|W 62|L 17|W 57|L 27| NC | 15660196 / R: 1055 ->1024 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 | NIKHIL SHIRISH DESHPANDE |2.0 |L 19|L 39|W 58|L 33|W 62| NC | 15278596 / R: 1032 ->1021 | |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | ALEX YUXIANG WONG |2.0 |W 58|L 1|D 38|L 13|D 44| NC | 14951943 / R: 981 ->1006 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | MATTHEW MARTIN |2.0 |W 13|D 30|L 6|L 12|D 41| NC | 16328318 / R: 923 ->1004 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | MICHAEL J BIRK |2.0 |L 31|W 25|L 37|L 27|W 58| NC | 15461214 / R: 900 -> 956 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 | ELLEN ROSENFELD |2.0 |L 33|L 38|H |D 59|W 61| NC | 14530396 / R: 955 -> 935 | |W |B | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 | ELOISE FONTAINE |1.5 |H |W 11|L 28|L 9|L 35| NC | 14947821 / R: 1106 ->1090 | | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 | BAHRAM KIANI |1.5 |L 8|L 42|W 61|H |L 16| NC | 14680450 / R: 1130 ->1074 | |W |B |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 | ZIHUI QIU |1.5 |L 3|W 67|D 14|L 18|L 38| NC | 15705817 / R: 1084 ->1044 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | AKSHAY RAJAGOPAL |1.5 |L 4|W 56|L 40|L 42|D 57| NC | 15629864 / R: 966 -> 935 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 | JUDSON ROEDERER |1.5 |L 24|L 55|H |L 58|W 67| NC | 15626320 / R: 972 -> 915 | |W |B | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 | RISHI KRISHNAN NARAYANAN |1.5 |B |L 10|L 11|L 46|D 55| NC | 15512007 / R: 530 -> 550 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 | STEVEN CROWLEY |1.0 |L 48|L 45|L 47|W 56|L 50| NC | 14916180 / R: 1188 ->1067 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 | ERIC CHEN |1.0 |H |L 6|L 13|D 51|L 43| NC | 15920213 / R: 1003 -> 959 | | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 | ANTHONY CRAIG |1.0 |L 41|L 44|L 26|W 67|L 39| TN | 12911256 / R: 913 -> 872 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | KEITH MITCHELL |1.0 |L 34|L 37|L 53|B |L 51| NC | 12688859 / R: 770P19-> 731P23 | |B |W |B | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 | JUSTIN BRADSHAW |1.0 |L 32|L 46|B |L 26|L 47| NC | 16090191 / R: 580P4 -> 580P8 | |W |B | |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 | DONALD JOHNSON |0.0 |L 22|U |U |U |U | NC | 16126281 / R: 1420 ->1400 | |B | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | KEVIN C YANG |0.0 |L 20|U |U |U |U | NC | 15911246 / R: 1413 ->1338 | |B | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 | BAHRAM KIANI |0.0 |L 15|U |U |U |U | NC | 14680450 / R: 1130 ->1074 | |B | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 | CLAY DANIEL MARION |0.0 |L 21|L 29|U |U |U | NC | 12660591 / R: 1023 -> 993 | |W |W | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 | JOSEPH AARON KLEINEICK |0.0 |L 12|L 54|L 25|L 60|L 56| NC | 16429607 / R: Unrated-> 481P5 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.


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